Best technology, experts care for your Fertility and Pregnancy Best technology, experts care for your pregnancy Best technology, experts care for your pregnancy
Best technology, experts care for your Fertility and Pregnancy
When the journey towards motherhood begins, we are here to help. We offer our patients warm and compassionate personal care, combined with the highest technological standards utilized worldwide
Best technology, experts care for your pregnancy
When the journey towards motherhood begins, we are here to help. We offer our patients warm and compassionate personal care, combined with the highest technological standards utilized worldwide
Best technology, experts care for your pregnancy
When the journey towards motherhood begins, we are here to help. We offer our patients warm and compassionate personal care, combined with the highest technological standards utilized worldwide

Welcome to the inmater Fertility Clinic!

Inmater Fertility Clinic uses the most advanced Assisted Reproduction Techniques in the world with a focus on physical and emotional well-being as a fundamental part of the treatment for the couple who wants a pregnancy.

Due to its technological validity, and honesty, it is placed within one of the best assisted reproduction centers in Latin America, for which it has received GOLD CERTIFICATION from the Latin American Assisted Reproduction Network RED LARA. InmaterclinicadefertilidacomillaY

Fertility Clinic

Managed Your
All Fettility Care

Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation, also known as fertility cryopreservation or gamete

Oocyte Bank

Due to our oocyte and sperm bank reputation for quality, we attend not only to our patient’s, but also to local,out of state and foreign fertility clinics needs.

Preimplantational Genetic Diagnostics PGT-A

Our IVF lab staff performs all biopsies by means of laser, effectively reducing chemical exposure and membrane damage of the embryo


Please contact us to talk about your current option

Sperm Bank

The same care and caution we practice in the operation of our oocyte bank is exercised in our sperm bank.

In vitro fertilization

During IVF, an egg is removed from the woman’s ovaries and fertilised with sperm in a laboratory

Are you


For future pregnancy

Egg freezing fertility options for women You deciding when you become a parent


Are you


For plans to conceive

A fertility consultation is the first step.      !A different Journey to          reach Happiness!

What You Eat And To Not Eat During stimulation:

If you’re trying to conceive, these diet changes could help prep your body for pregnancy

There are no magic foods for getting pregnant, one simple change you can make to support your fertility

Healthy Food

Food To Avoid


Booking & Advice Line

(52) 55 5540 2218

Taking Care Of

Your Baby Pregnancy

Dr. A Saucedo

1st Consultation Day

2nd Stimulation

3rd In Vitro

I Am Pregnant, What Now?

Take a pregnancy test.

Confirm your pregnancy: If you haven't already, take a home pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy. However, it's always best to visit a healthcare professional for a definitive confirmation through a blood test or ultrasound.

Contact your Obstetrician

Schedule a prenatal appointment: Contact your healthcare provider or obstetrician to schedule your first prenatal appointment.

We are here to help.

Just Call Our :52 55 55402213

Why People Recommend Us

Affordable a place were you dream can become possible to have a Family.

Procedure itself is a breeze it is affordable, comforting and easy

We hope all that are searching somehow find this post and reach out to us clinic


Successful Pregnancies
0 %


Happy Families

Our Highly Specialized Exprets Are Deeply Experiences

Biol. Pablo Lopez

IVF Lab Director
Embryologist & Fertility Specialist
Speciality : Fertility Specialist, PGT-a Biopsy & Embriologyst protocols
Degrees : Fellowship in advanced practices associated to in vitro fertilization
Experiences : +17

Dr. Angel Saucedo

Gynecology and Obstetrics
Medical Specialist in Infertility and Human Assisted Reproduction
Speciality : Surgeon Histeroscopy Specialist
Degrees : Medical Specialist in Infertility and Human Assisted Reproduction
Experiences : 06+ Years
Dr. A Saucedo

Make an



    Happy Families
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